What I can say ..
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log/radius# tcpdump -i eth0 host X.X.X.X
12:38:19.725549 IP aaa.copy.net.1094 > X.X.X.X.1646: RADIUS, Accounting Request 
(4), id: 0xca length: 387
12:38:19.725660 IP aaa.copy.net.1094 > X.X.X.X.1646: RADIUS, Accounting Request 
(4), id: 0xa8 length: 589
12:38:19.726122 IP aaa.copy.net.1094 > X.X.X.X.1646: RADIUS, Accounting Request 
(4), id: 0x26 length: 571
12:38:19.726298 IP aaa.copy.net.1094 > X.X.X.X.1646: RADIUS, Accounting Request 
(4), id: 0x82 length: 589
12:38:19.755292 IP X.X.X.X.1646 > aaa.copy.net.1094: RADIUS, Accounting 
Response (5), id: 0xca length: 24
12:38:19.755297 IP X.X.X.X.1646 > aaa.copy.net.1094: RADIUS, Accounting 
Response (5), id: 0xa8 length: 24
12:38:19.758275 IP X.X.X.X.1646 > aaa.copy.net.1094: RADIUS, Accounting 
Response (5), id: 0x82 length: 24
12:38:19.761917 X.X.X.X.1646 > aaa.copy.net.1094: RADIUS, Accounting Response 
(5), id: 0x26 length: 24
Looks like traffic goes between port 1094(my side - different time different) 
and 1646 
Is It correct? I thing it should be between port 1813 and 1646 ...
Is It because 
listen {
        ipaddr = my.ip.addres
        port = 0
        type = acct
On website 
Link to daily snapshot not work.

----- Original Message ----
From: Alan DeKok <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: FreeRadius users mailing list <freeradius-users@lists.freeradius.org>
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2008 12:23:10 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with proxy-radius function

banga wrote:
> AnyOne?
> Error: Rejecting request 20696 due to lack of any response from home server
> X.X.X.X port 1646
> Error: Ignoring request from unknown home server X.X.X.X port 1646  
> How I can fix that ?

  I think what's happening is that the home server is sending the
response from the wrong port.  You would have to show *more* of the
debug log to be sure.

  Alan DeKok.
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