Johan Nyman wrote:
> There should be a place on the net that hosts official tutorials for
> FreeRadius that are up-to date.
> Then many problems would disappear.

  There *is* a place.  It's on the main web page.  It's up to date.  Yet
many people *still* use third-party "howto's" that are years out of date.

  Is there some secret documentation saying "don't read the FreeRADIUS

> Can anyone help me sort out what not to follow in his guide, since it has
> been posted 2005:

  Don't follow any of it.  Read the documentation that comes with
FreeRADIUS, and with the Wiki.

> 1. Generate a new unsigned certificate and its corresponding private key:

  The "INSTALL" file that comes with the server describes how it
automatically creates certificates.  Maybe the binaries for your
distribution don't include this file...

  Alan DeKok.
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