I re and reread man unlang

And change the insert line with this line
postauth_query = "INSERT INTO ${postauth_table} (username, pass, reply)

It's the value chap-password who's corrected. So for the fix, please
update the insert for the correct value


>> For the post_auth it can be userful to other person if it's
integrated to the next update of freeradius.

>noted - fix and updated has been submitted as bug 545
Just for notice, I have again the warning in debug mode when I do the
post_auth queries
rlm_sql (sql): Processing sql_postauth
        expand: %{User-Name} -> guillaume
rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped user --> 'guillaume'
WARNING: Deprecated conditional expansion ":-".  See "man unlang" for
        expand: INSERT INTO radpostauth (username, pass, reply) VALUES
'%{User-Password:-Chap-Password}','%{reply:Packet-Type}') -> INSERT INTO
radpostauth (username, pass, reply) VALUES ('guillaume',
        expand: /usr/local/var/log/radius/sqltrace.sql ->

And I don't know what is it. And it's fot the post_auth. The post_auth
have just this
post-auth {

Thank again

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