Jeremiah Millay wrote:
I'm seeing some odd behavior running freeradius-1.1.7 in a freebsd 6.3 environment. I see a lot of these in the radius log:

Tue Apr 22 09:27:44 2008 : Error: Discarding duplicate request from client - ID: 208 due to unfinished request 1267 Tue Apr 22 09:27:44 2008 : Error: Discarding duplicate request from client - ID: 209 due to unfinished request 1268

as well as the cputime constantly increasing the longer I leave radiusd running:

Well yes; the process runs, and accumulates CPU time.

What OS is this?

Looking at older messages posted to the list, I see Alan suggests that the duplicate requests are related to radiusd not replying quickly enough due to either having hostname lookups enabled or due to sql backend slowness. I'm not using sql in my configuration and do not have hostname lookups enabled.

Are you using "wtmp" i.e. "radlast". Don't. It's slow.

Here are some configuration snippets that may be relevant:

cleanup_delay = 2
max_requests = 10240
hostname_lookups = no
thread pool {
   start_servers = 20
   max_servers = 32
   min_spare_servers = 3
   max_spare_servers = 10
   max_requests_per_server = 0

That looks OK as a first cut. What's the full config?
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