On Apr 24, 2008, at 1:41 AM, Alan DeKok wrote:
Chris wrote:
And what would the unlang syntax be for setting the value of an
arbitrarily-named variable like that?

$ man unlang

I have.  Several times.  Maybe I'm just an idiot.

 It's not an "arbitrarily named variable", it's defined in the private
FreeRADIUS dictionary. It's a string attribute, just like anything else.

I've since learned this.  Thanks.

 I hate guessing games.  Is it so difficult to give an example of what
you tried to do?

Sorry, mate.

Currently, I'm here:
authorize {
switch "%{Huntgroup-Name}" {
        case dialup {
                update control {
                   Tmp-String-1 := "ou=accounts,dc=viptalk,dc=net"

modules {
ldap-localhost {
        basedn = "%{Tmp-String-1}"

And getting:

        expand: %{Tmp-String-1} ->
rlm_ldap: unable to create basedn.

And trying this:

ldap-localhost {
        basedn = "%{control:Tmp-String-1}"

gets me closer, but I have quoting issues:

expand: %{control:Tmp-String-1} -> ou\3daccounts\2cdc\3dviptalk\2cdc \3dnet

I couldn't get anything to set the variable until I used an update section. "man unlang" seemed to indicate control was the place to put it.

 And even the example is unnecessary.  The documentation explains how
to assign values to attributes, and gives examples of doing it.  Copy
the examples, and change the attribute name and value.

I'm doing exactly as you're suggesting and coming up empty.

When you say "documentation" I presume you mean the sample config files.

Lots of examples for setting variables in the users file. Not so many for unlang.

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