>       Open your users file with your favorite editor and put a line like
>       this:
>       username1     Cleartext-Password := "user-password1", 
> MS-CHAP-Use-NTLM-Auth := 0
>Perfectly, also this works. But i'm lazy as many system administrators,
>and i know that probably i will forgot to have account like this.
>Googling around i've found the Expiration radius tag that seems suit my
>needs, but i've found no example around, nor an expalnation if can be
>used and how on 'users' file.
>Speaking clearly: can i define in 'users' file some users with an
>explicit 'expiration date'?
>Someone can explain me how?


username1     Cleartext-Password := "user-password1",
MS-CHAP-Use-NTLM-Auth := 0, Expiration := date_format_like"May 10 2008

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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