> Hi,
> >     It still leaves one item open. I can't seem to get radclient to
> > be able to take the NAS-IP-Address and then the secret for that 
> > NAS-IP-Address.
> > It seems no matter what, it wants to use the secret for the localhost. Is
> > this how its supposed to work, or is there a bug somewhere?
> man radclient
> Packet-Dst-IP-Address   - if this attribute is present in the request then
> the packet will be sent to that address.  ie it wont go to
> if you specify the real IP of the server.  alternately, use the IP address
> of the server and not its canonical 'localhost' which will always be
> unless you've played with the systems IP stack.....
> alan
        I guess I'm not clear in what I was attempting to accomplish, maybe
subsequently I went about it the wrong way.

        Tech calls in and say that he can't get an appliance working in the 
I ask him what secret he's using and the IP address of the appliance. I want to
be able to be locally logged onto the radius server and use 
to be able to query radius asking "If I was IP, and I gave you SECRET, would you
authorize me?". 

        So I want to be on, but say I'm on . Right now, If I
say I'm on, it still wants the secret for .

                Thanks, Tuc
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