> >     I seem to have some sort of anomoly that sqltrace is active in my server
> > even though its not in debug mode. Thats not a big deal.
> no. that'll be right. sqltrace is nothing directly to do with server
> debug mode - its a debug mode of the sql module - its enabled and disabled
> in sql.conf
        But the comments are :

        # Print all SQL statements when in debug mode (-x)
        sqltrace = yes
        sqltracefile = ${logdir}/sqltrace.sql

        I'm not in "-x" mode :

[EMAIL PROTECTED] raddb]# ps ax|grep rad|grep -v gre
29294 ?        Ssl    0:00 /usr/local/sbin/radiusd

        Its not that I *DONT* want it, I really do want it. Its just
that the comments led me to believe otherwise. 

                Thanks, Tuc
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