Tuc at T-B-O-H.NET wrote:
>       I'm looking into the Accounting-Request packet for 
> the following :
> *** DUMP OF RADIUS PACKET (Net::Radius::Packet=HASH(0x834ac1c))
> Code:       Accounting-Request
> Identifier: 1
> Authentic:  
> \x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}\x{0}

  That's wrong.  It should be signed by the shared secret.

>       When I get it back, I get :
> Code:       Accounting-Response
> Identifier: 1
> Authentic:  \x{a}\x{da}\%\x{1f}\x{ff}o\`\x{bf}\(\x{b0}V\x{aa}\x{ba}J;\x{99}
> Attributes:
>       Is there anything that would make this NOT come back like that?

  What do you mean?

  Alan DeKok.
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