Access-Challenge messages are generated by an authentication method that needs them.

Look at the auth method you intend to use.   Many do not as sufficent info is in the Access-Request.
Usually a NAS generates a CHAP challenge locally and includes it in the A-R.

EAP methods use a lot of Access-Challenges, but that probably doesn't help.

I don't know anything about your PAM or unix OTP to make any further comments.
If you are rolling your own authentication, then you'll have to do it yourself.


Jun 23, 2008 10:01:07 AM, wrote:

I managed to change radius server rlm_unix code to generate
ACCESS-CHALLENGE by looking at rlm_example code.

Can someone please let me know is there any way i can tell radius
server to generate ACCESS-CHALLENGE with out making changes as i did
it above?


On Wed, Jun 18, 2008 at 9:07 PM, Sudarshan Soma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi ,
> I am planning to simulate ACCESS-CHALLENGE to authenticate the client
> which i plan to add it in pam-radius module (pam_radius-1.3.17) with
> out using radius server.  Iam still reading the docs, incase if
> someone helps me with the following queries, it would be really
> helpful.
> I learned that the rlm_otp has the implementation of the same. Could
> anyone please let me know these:
> - any radius client which lets radius server to ask for ACCESS-CHALLENGE
>       -- (echo 'User-Name="userX"'; echo
> 'CHAP-Password="secretpass"') | /usr/local/bin/radclient -x
> auth testing123 is not helping
> -  how do i test rlm_otp module, any radius client program..
> Regards,
> Pavan
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