I've added a few more HOWTO's for EAP, certificates, etc. on my web
page.  See:


  The main page now lists:

  (1) PAP
  (2) EAP
  (3) Certificates
  (4) Importing the certificates

  If you've ever wondered how to get EAP working with FreeRADIUS &&
client machines, these documents should help.  They are a short series
of simple steps that need to be performed.

  The total effort is limited to running 3-4 commands, some multiple
times.  The key to getting it *right* is the rest of the explanations on
the web pages:  Why those commands are used, and in what order they
should be used.

  The documents also recommend running the same tests over and over
again, each time the server configuration is changed.  This process
means that you can easily pinpoint *which* step doesn't work.  The web
pages then explain *why* it doesn't work, along with some common
problems and solutions.

  This is the first step in putting the rest of my book online.

  Alan DeKok.
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