Yawar Hadi wrote:
>                           i worked out on 2.0.5 for morethen a month but
> with out success.

  That's what this list is for.  If takes too long, ask questions.

  And I just don't understand why it's so difficult to find the
"authorize" and "authenticate" sections in 2.0.  Yes, they have been
removed from radiusd.conf.  But this is CLEARLY STATED in
radiusd.conf... if you read it.

> then i switch to radius 1.1.6. <http://1.1.6.>
> 1: setup with mysql database
> 2: now i want to use storeprocedure to interact with databse...

  The MySQL module in 2.0 supports stored procedures.  You don't need to
edit anything.

  Alan DeKok.
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