> Unfortunately I lost the previous message of this thread, where Alan 

> Dekok's respond is presented.

> Anyway, the content of it was he offered to use groups membership. He 

> also gave a specific file: rlm_passwd which should be configured in 

> order to achieve groups membership as an indication which IAS server 

> would respond each authentication request.


 No.  You configure groups on the FREERADIUS server.


> The thing is, though went over the help file of rlm_passwd a couple of 

> times, I didn't see clear explanation how to configure it when working 

> in IAS-Active Directory environment.


  If you're using IAS and not FreeRADIUS, don't ask questions here.


  If you're using FreeRADIUS a proxy to IAS, you can configure groups on
FreeRADIUS, and apply policies there.


  Alan DeKok.



Ronen Kfir:

I would like to use FreeRADIUS as proxy to IAS servers. The question now is
how do I create those FreeRADIUS groups and how do I manage the groups
membership within FreeRADIUS.


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