
I am a newbie for FreeRadius. I need some information on freeradius
regarding my requirement for authentication and session control.

I want to setup the system like..

1 One centralized server running on a Linux machine for authentication.

2 Client Linux machine in the network which should connect to the server
whenever any user log in into the machine.

3 Once authenticated, the user should be allowed the single-sign on.

4 The session for that user should be restricted to one in simultaneous log
in. i.e The user which is already log in should not be allowed to login into
other machine in the network.

5 The machine should not allow any user to log in by using the local log in
setting (/etc/passwd). i.e The machine should be connected  the network or
Internet for log in.

I found that freeradius has the feature of authentication and session
control, but not sure that the above setup can be supported and how to
configure freeradius for this.

Thanks in advance for the reply. Waiting for the reply.

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