Dear all,

I tried to configure free-radius for authenticate user on window domain but i 
couldn't find the solutions for this behavior.

Here is my topology:

Window domain (win server 2k3) ----- Free-Radius ----- NAS ------- Access Point 
)))) ((((( STA

1/. On domain I had groups: administrator with full privileges and user with 
limitted privilege.

2/. On free-radius:
Used the document showed on with authenticate type 
was NTLM.

3/. On NAS: I provided ip address of RAS and port authen & accouting right.

My problem happened below:

 - On Radius i could test users on domain successfully.
 - On NAS: 
               + First: in NAS had textboxes for testing users. In this I could 
 for users on window domain success.
               + Second: using users in the first one i talked (above) login to 
NAS with auth through RAS. 
problem happened at here. I couldn't login to NAS. After that, I used
command "radiusd -x" and always got the message: access reject. I found
up in the debugging output and saw: 
        process login to NAS
of user was sent to radius. But the radius could not use user's
attributes to compare with attributes of this user on domain.

Can anybody please help me on this problem?


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