>radtest luis x 0 123

Default shared secret for localhost is testing123, not 123. That will
take care of:

>WARNING: Unprintable characters in the password. ?  Double-check the >shared 
>secret on the server and the NAS!

radtest sends a pap request. You want to test mschap. You can set up a
real NAS or use something like JRadius Simulator.

>or do i need to config one more line in radiusd.conf ?

You can configure ntlm_auth as an authentication script that will run on
pap requests. It will be more than one line. You will need to create
Auth-Type for it and then force it if all else fails. Not

>or means that account does not har ras access ?

You haven't reached AD yet.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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