hello Alexandre,

I solved this by ussing this conditional in the configuration file
that the database uses in my case
/etc/raddb/sql/postgresql/dialup.conf :

sql_user_name = "%{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{%{User-Name}:-none}}"
#sql_user_name = "%{User-Name}"

i hope this helps



2008/9/23 Alexandre Chapellon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> I have NASes sending me unstripped username in requests, and a database
> with stripped usernames in it (which i use for accounting too).
> So i tried setting up proxying (to local) on the desired realms to for
> auth and accounting, the problem i face is that acounting is done both
> with stripped and unstripped usernames (2 line for one session).
> Is it a normal behaviour? how can i prevent this from happening?
> here follow informations:
> freeradius 2.0.5
> ##proxy.conf##
> realm freeradius {
>    auth_pool = local_pool
>    acct_pool = local_pool
>    ignore_null = yes
>    ignore_default = yes
> }
> realm DEFAULT {
> }
> ##sites-enabled/default##
> authorize {
>    preprocess
>    chap
>    mschap
>    eap {
>                ok = return
>        }
>    suffix
>    sql
>    ...
> }
> accounting {
>    ippool
>    sql
> }
> -
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José Cáceres Palacios
Ing de Telecomunicaciones

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