What version is this? In current schema group membership table is
radusergroup not usergroup. Post the whole debug. From this we can only
say that data from radgroupcheck table didn't make it. The bit why is

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 24/9/2008, "Xiaochen Jing" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> piše:

>Hello all,
>I recently got Freeradius with MS SQL to work together. But there is still
>one thing to be completed, the IP Pool thing.
>I put Pool-Name and it value in radgroupcheck table in MS SQL. I have
>Pool-Name set up in radiusd.conf.
>I test, user get authenticated by username/password, but no IP address is
>assigned. Here is the error:
>+- entering group post-auth
>rlm_ippool: Could not find Pool-Name attribute.
>++[main_pool] returns noop
>rlm_sql (sql): Processing sql_postauth
>        expand: %{User-Name} -> easyuser
>rlm_sql (sql): sql_set_user escaped user --> 'easyuser'
>++[sql] returns noop
>I don't know where should I put Pool-Name in rlm_ippool? Or something
>related to group post-auth? But I did find anything config file about it.
>With another method, which is that I put Pool-Name and its value in Radcheck
>table in MS SQL, everything works. User gets authenticated and gets an IP
>address from the pool.
>Can anyone shed lights on it? Thanks in advance
>Here is my config in MS SQL
>Usergroup Table:
>id                     | UserName
>| GroupName                                                       |
>| 1                      | easyuser
>| secretary                                                          |
>Radcheck table:
>id                     | UserName
>| Attribute                       | Value
>| op|
>| 1                      | easyuser
>| Cleartext-Password        | easypass
>| :=|
>Radgroupcheck table:
>id                     | GroupName
>| Attribute                       | Value
>| op|
>| 1                      | secretary
>| Pool-Name                     |   main_pool
>| :=|

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