How have other EDUROAM sites configured their EDUROAM servers with
regard to timeout issues?

The default setting seems to be less than optimal since if a remote site
have problems with their home RADIUS servers then we risk having our
local servers mark the upstream servers as "dead" since it's not
receiving answers for a specific 'realm'...

I've been using the default values so far:

       response_window = 20
       zombie_period = 40
       revive_interval = 120
       status_check = status-server
       check_interval = 30
       num_answers_to_alive = 3

But I wonder if these can be tuned a bit
to better work in the EDUROAM environment.

Perhaps increase the 'response_window',
and lower 'zombie_period' and 'revive_interval'
and 'check_interval' values...

Best would probably be if FreeRadius kept a
separate timeout for each 'server/realm' tuple...

What have other sites done?

- Peter
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