Jonathan D. Proulx wrote:
> I'm trying to get am MacOS 10.5 client to connect to a cisco 1250 ap
> running IOS 12.4(10b) authenticating against Freeradius 1.1.7 on
> Ubuntu (8.04).

  You cannot use EAP-MD5 for wireless authentication.  It's impossible.

> Yeh md5 is a bad idea, but it should be a simple first step.  The only
> changes I made to the default Freeradius config were to add the client
> info for the 1250 and one user:

  Or, you could follow the EAP guide for 2.1.x at my web site:

  It's *very* easy to set up in 2.x.  There's even a Mac package in
Darwin ports.  See the "download" link on the main web page.

  Alan DeKok.
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