Thanks for the pointer. I'm not entirely certain as to the proper place to put such a thing, though. The examples I've been able to pull up show others using 'if' statements and such in the 'authorize' block, after calling preprocess. However, the following attempt:

authorize {


        if ( Called-Station-ID =~ /4262606/ ) {
            User-Name := "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"

} me an error of "Line is not in 'attribute = value' format" with the line number of the 'if' statement. Am I missing something basic here?

J Fox

Stephen Bowman wrote:

On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 3:52 PM, Javier Fox <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Hi folks,

    I have a bit of a conundrum trying to implement FreeRadius for a
    system where users from multiple ISP names must all authenticate in
    the same place, and I'm hoping a more experienced user can shed some

    In a nutshell, I need to do the following:
    -Check the 'called-station-id' of an incoming RADIUS request
    -If the id is A, B, or C, set a hint/realm flag to "alpha"
    -If the id is D, E, or F, set a hint/realm flag to "beta"
    -If the id is anything else, set a hint/realm flag to "gamma"
    -Based on the value of the hint/realm flag, rewrite the username
    before attempting authentication (by adding '@ispname1',
    '@ispname2', etc.)
    -Conversely, if the username already looks like '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
    leave it alone

    For completeness' sake, I'm performing the authentication against a
    Postgres database.  In its current state, the system is able to
    happily authenticate users as long as the username is provided in
    the format "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"; otherwise they are rejected.

    Our old RADIUS system (using Radiator) appears to call a perl script
    to perform this username rewriting, but that just seems like a nasty
    hack that I'd prefer to avoid.

    Any advice on this would be immeasurably appreciated.

    J. Fox

Answer: unlang


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