I am using a perl script to check the user-password couple.
And also managed to add radreply.
But i cant figure out where to add simultaneous-check.
I mean it is checking sim. use but by default always only 1 usage.
Even i add it to users data in mysql, it does not effect.
By the way, do i need to check sim-use in this perl script or is there a
way to check it via freeradius itself by mysql ?

Here is the perl script i am using..

PS: I am not much familiar about perl. Any correction or advices are
welcome also.


$cfg_database = "wireless";
$cfg_data_source = "DBI:mysql:$cfg_database:databaseserver.adress";
$cfg_username = "xxx";
$cfg_password = "xxx";

use URI;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw( fatalsToBrowser );
use DBI;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use XML::Simple;
use HTTP::Headers;
#use strict;
# This is very important ! Without this script will not get the filled 
hashesh from main.
use Data::Dumper;

# Function to handle authorize
sub authorize {

####### Staff&Student Decision
        $length_uid = length($RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'});
        if ($length_uid < 6) {
        $request = 'staff-info';
        $usertype= 'P';
           } else {
        $request = 'student-info';
        $usertype = 'O';
####### Login Check via BAIS

       my $url = URI->new('http://urlforcontrolofclient/xxx.php');
       $url->query_form(  # And here the form data pairs:
        'request'    => $request,
        'id' => $RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'},
        'pwd' => $RAD_REQUEST{'User-Password'},
        my $response = LWP::UserAgent->new->get( $url );

        $dump = Dumper($response);
        @res_satirlari = split('\n', $dump);
        foreach $satir (@res_satirlari) {

          if ( $satir=~ /<(.*)>(.*)<\/.*/ ) {
               $variable = $1;

        $namesurname = $firstname . " " . $lastname;
########  Check BAIS for Timeouts
if ($dump =~ /Timeout/){
        $RAD_REPLY{'Reply-Message'} =  "Timeout- Try Again";
        return RLM_MODULE_REJECT;

########  Get Password from Database
      $dbh = DBI->connect( $cfg_data_source, $cfg_username, $cfg_password)
              or die ("Can not connect to $cfg_data_source \n");
      $sql5 = "select Value from radcheck where UserName =
\'$RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'}\' and Attribute = 'Password';";
      $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql5);
      $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");
      ($pass) = $sth-> fetchrow_array();

if ($dump =~ />false</i) {
####### Check Account On MySQL
        if ($pass eq $RAD_REQUEST{'User-Password'}) {
                # User Accepted via SQL
                return RLM_MODULE_OK;
        } else {

                # Reject user and tell him why
                $RAD_REPLY{'Reply-Message'} = "Unknown Username Or Password";
                return RLM_MODULE_REJECT;
} else {

####### User Accepted
####### Database check

       $dbh = DBI->connect( $cfg_data_source, $cfg_username, $cfg_password)
              or die ("2Can not connect to $cfg_data_source \n");
    $sql = "select UserName from radcheck where UserName =
      $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql);
      $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");
      ($adi) = $sth-> fetchrow_array();
      if (!$adi)  {

     $sql2 = "INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName,Attribute,op,Value) VALUES
     $sth2 = $dbh -> prepare($sql2);
     $sth2 -> execute() or die("olmadi");
     $sql3 = "INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName,Attribute,op,Value)
     $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql3);
     $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");
     $sql4 = "INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName,Attribute,op,Value) values
     $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql4);
     $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");
     $sql5 = "INSERT INTO usergroup (UserName,GroupName) values
     $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql5);
     $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");
     $sql16 = "INSERT INTO radcheck (UserName,Attribute,op,Value)
     $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql16);
     $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");

  ####    $dbh -> disconnect();
               return RLM_MODULE_OK;

# Function to handle authenticate
sub authenticate {

             $dbh = DBI->connect( $cfg_data_source, $cfg_username,
               or die ("Can not connect to $cfg_data_source \n");
               $sql6 = "select Value from radcheck where UserName =
\'$RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'}\' and Attribute =
                $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql6);
                $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");
                ($type) = $sth-> fetchrow_array();
                if ($type eq "Reject") {
                $sql7 = "select Value from radreply where UserName =
\'$RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'}\' and Attribute =
                $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql7);
                $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");
                ($reply) = $sth-> fetchrow_array();

                ###dbg("REPLY ".$reply);

                $dbh -> disconnect();
                $RAD_REPLY{'Reply-Message'} = $reply;
                return RLM_MODULE_REJECT;

            if ($RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'} eq "") {

                ###dbg("REPLY ".$reply);

                $RAD_REPLY{'Reply-Message'} = "Enter username";
                return RLM_MODULE_REJECT;

       } else {
               # Accept user and set some attribute
               ### Sending radcheck requests###
               $sql8= "select Value from radcheck where UserName =
\'$RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'}\' and Attribute =
                $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql8);
                $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");
                ($sim) = $sth-> fetchrow_array();
                if (!$sim)  {
               $RAD_CHECK{'Simultaneous-Use'} = "1";
                } else {
                $RAD_CHECK{'Simultaneous-Use'} = $sim;
                $sql9= "select Value from radreply where UserName =
\'$RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'}\' and Attribute =
                $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql9);                $sth ->
execute() or die("olmadi");
                ($bwdown) = $sth-> fetchrow_array();
                if (!$bwdown)  {
               $RAD_REPLY{'WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Down'} = "1000000";
                $sql10= "select Value from radreply where UserName =
\'$RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'}\' and Attribute =
                $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql10);
                $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");
                ($bwup) = $sth-> fetchrow_array();
                if (!$bwup)  {
               $RAD_REPLY{'WISPr-Bandwidth-Max-Up'} = "512000";
               $RAD_REPLY{'Acct-Interim-Interval'} = "60";

                $sql11= "select * from radreply where UserName =
\'$RAD_REQUEST{'User-Name'}\' ;";
                $sth = $dbh -> prepare($sql11);
                $sth -> execute() or die("olmadi");
                        while(@results = $sth-> fetchrow_array()) {
                $RAD_REPLY{$results[2]} = $results[4];

               return RLM_MODULE_OK;
               $dbh -> disconnect();
sub dbg {
   my $msg = shift;
   open(DBG, ">>/tmp/dbg");
   print DBG "$msg\n";
   close DBG;
   return 1;

# Function to handle accounting
sub accounting {
       # For debugging purposes only
#       &log_request_attributes;

      # You can call another subroutine from here

       return RLM_MODULE_OK;

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