Good Day.


I am still struggling to get a working solution with freeradius and mysql as


What im trying to do simply is have the radius server use data counters
instead of time counters.


I want to limit a users collective data to amounts of 1gb,2gb,3gb, all the
way up.


And it must be resset on the first of the month.


I have tried many versions of freeradius with many different queries and
methods and there is ALWAYS something that doesn't seem to work properly.


With Freeradius 2.1.3 I cannot use anything above 4gb, although I followed
instructions on wiki to the tee for overcoming the wrapping problem. (wiki
was outdated, but still tried)

With 1.1.7 I think it was I would simply get arratic responses. Sometimes
worked fine with up to 8gb tested, the next month it wouldn't. 2gb limits
would also only sometimes work.

The only one that was consistant was the 1gb option.



Now ive tried so many methods, versions , tricks and wiki's and docs.. It's
been years and still I cannot get it working correctly. There is a bit of a
lack of docs on what I would like to do and ive come to the conclusion that
if I could see someone elses working config for this sort of setup I could
deduce where im going wrong.



Thank You!

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