Yes, sorry $RAD_REQUEST. Accounting request is logged in detail.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 19/12/2008, "al pat" <> piše:

>Hmm, but RAD_REPLY is the list that goes back, no?
>I have perl before detail.
>On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 12:17 PM, <> wrote:
>> >I am inclined to think that I may have to write a module to "parse" the
>> >octet string and populate the attributes into the AVP list. Assuming that
>> >this is feasible, I would like to parse before the logging happens (via
>> the
>> >"detail" module).
>> >
>> Run perl before detail. Put new attributes on the $RAD_REPLY list.
>> Ivan Kalik
>> Kalik Informatika ISP
>> -
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