I'm running freeradius v2.1.1 that proxies to a Juniper Steel-Belted Radius.
The authentication works and the reply is sent to my NAS, but the Juniper
sends back trailing \000 in the return attributes which my NAS obviously is
not too fond of.

The debug shows:
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host <stripped> port 1812, id=94,
    Class =
    Proxy-State = 0x3838
    Cisco-AVPair = "+=lcp:interface-config= ip unnumbered lo10\000"
    Cisco-AVPair = "+=ip:addr-pool=testpool\000"
    Cisco-AVPair = "+=lcp:interface-config= ip vrf forwarding testvrf\000"
    Cisco-AVPair = "+=ip:dns-servers=x.x.x.x y.y.y.y\000"

I'm having a problem figuring out where the trailing \000 is coming from.
Has anyone experienced similar behavior or have experience proxying from
freeradius to Juniper?

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