
I'am still having some problems using EAP-TLS with SP3 on XP. Though I have a partly solution, after excessive googeling. I will provide it here, because I think a lot of people must have the same problems and if they're using Freeradius, they will probably look here.

I found that you can't use a registry patch anymore to enable a machine-based authentification. You need to use XML Files to make a profile and load it within XP. MS explained that very well in:


You need to do it that way, regardless if you have a wired or wlan setup.

So I was very excited, but it's still not working. My radiusd -X -A shows exactly nothing, if XP reboots, there is no ongoing conversation or an error. So I enabled debug logging in xp and found some interessting lines. I thought, because radius isn't writing anything to the screen, that XP isn't sending anything that was wrong.

OneXModule.LOG says (only quoting lines with "error"):

[1516] 01-22 14:19:31:093: Port(2): 802.1X authentication failed with reason = "Empfang eines expliziten Eap-Fehlers" and error code = 0x40420110
[1516] 01-22 14:19:31:109: (MarshallEapError:1392) Allocated memory 000E1E00, size = 432
[1512] 01-22 14:19:31:109: (FreeEapError:1302) Freed memory 000CA730
[1512] 01-22 14:19:31:109: (FreeEapError:1303) Freed memory 000CCFC0
[1512] 01-22 14:19:31:109: (FreeEapError:1304) Freed memory 000CAC60
[1904] 01-22 14:19:49:250: Port(3): Received a failure indication from the local Eap dll with error code 0x40420110 and reason code 0x40420110 [1904] 01-22 14:19:49:250: Port(3): Eap error info contains winError=0x40420110, reasonCode=0x40420110, EapMethod(Type=0), rootCauseString=Fehler bei der Authentifizierung, weil ein Problem mit dem Benutzerkonto besteht. [1904] 01-22 14:19:49:250: (DuplicateEapError:1320) Allocated memory 000C6290, size = 80

The rootCauseString means: "Error with authentification, because there is a problem with the useraccount". The errorcode is unkown to google.


[1148] 14:18:17:781: ElRegistryUpdateXPBeta2: Error in RegOpenKeyEx for base key, 2 [1148] 14:18:17:828: ElUpdateRegistry: ElRegistryUpdateXPBeta2 failed with error 2
[1148] 14:18:17:828: QEC Init succeeded with dwRetCode = 0
[1148] 14:18:17:828: ElMediaInit: Entered
[1148] 14:18:17:828: ElReadGlobalRegistryParams: Error in RegQueryValueEx for cwszSupplicantMode, 2, InfoSize=4 [1148] 14:18:17:828: ElReadGlobalRegistryParams: Error in RegQueryValueEx for cwszPMKCacheMode, 2, InfoSize=4 [1148] 14:18:17:828: ElReadGlobalRegistryParams: Error in RegQueryValueEx for cwszPMKCacheTTL, 2, InfoSize=4 [1148] 14:18:17:828: ElReadGlobalRegistryParams: Error in RegQueryValueEx for cwszPMKCacheSize, 2, InfoSize=4 [1148] 14:18:17:828: ElReadGlobalRegistryParams: Error in RegQueryValueEx for PreauthMode, 2, InfoSize=4 [1148] 14:18:17:828: ElReadGlobalRegistryParams: Error in RegQueryValueEx for PreauthTimeout, 2, InfoSize=4 [1148] 14:18:17:828: ElReadGlobalRegistryParams: Error in RegQueryValueEx for cwszPreauthThrottle, 2, InfoSize=4
[1148] 14:18:17:921: ElGetWinStationUserToken: GetWinStationUserToken failed for SessionId (0) with error (1702) [1148] 14:18:17:921: ElGetWinStationUserToken: GetCurrentUserTokenW failed with error (1245)

So whats the problem? Is there some kine of Registry hassle? I took a new PC with a new XP Pro (inkl. SP3) installed. There are no old leftovers. So eap looks very buggy and beta. The certs are ok, they work with XP SP2, so why doesn't want SP3 it?

I'am using now Freeradius 1.1.6 (I had 1.1.0) and made no changes to my setup or config files, since XP SP2, Win2000 and Linux authenticate without problems. Do I have to change something in Freeradius to make it work, beside upgrade the version?

Is anyone around here doing an EAP-TLS with XP SP3 machines?

Please give a hint. I'd love to owe you a beer. :-)


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