Marlon Duksa wrote:
> Hi - does anyone know how send taged attributes from FreeRadius. I'm
> including the tag number with a colon after the attribute but not sure
> if this is correct (the last two attributes):
> DEFAULT         User-Name =~
> "([a-z]+):([0-9]+)[^a-z]+([a-z]+):([0-9]+)$", Auth-Type := Local,
> User-Password == "usrpass"

  Don't set Auth-Type.

  Use "Cleartext-Password :=... ", not "User-Password ==".  See the FAQ
for an example.

>                         Framed-Pool := "4",
>                         ERX-Ingress-Policy-Name := "ingressFilter",
>                         ERX-Egress-Policy-Name := "egressFilter",
>                         ERX-CoS-Parameter-Type:1 = "basic_sch",
>                         ERX-CoS-Parameter-Type:2 += "8m"

  That should work.

> And this is how the attribute is defined in dictionary:
> ATTRIBUTE       ERX-CoS-Parameter-Type                  108     string
> has_tag

  Quoting the dictionaries doesn't help.  Do you think we don't have
access to them?

> Feb  1 07:41:38 parse_tag_based_vsa: Tag based VSA contains the wrong
> Tag-character

  Show a TCPdump or wireshark packet capture.

  Also, are you sure you're using the latest version of the server?  If
not, upgrade.

  Alan DeKok.
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