have tried this thing but when i am doing so its taking this as a
default entry and giving error for user name and password

>i have entered username and cleartext-password in user file.

Could you post your users file (with any non-testing passwords starred out of 

apologies; let me add a clarification.  If your user entries in the
users file don't have the "Fall-Through = Yes" attribute set, putting
the DEFAULT section at the end of the file won't apply the
Session-Timeout to the users.  However, it shouldn't cause an error. 
Have you tried testing without the DEFAULT section, using a user with
Cleartext-Password?  I've tested the following configuration on
FreeRADIUS 2.1.1 with success.

    test    Cleartext-Password := "testing"
        Fall-Through = Yes

        Session-Timeout = 60

testing this with radtest, such as the following, where "testing123" is
your shared secret and the server is running on localhost.  This should
return an Access-Accept message with Session-Timeout specified.  (I
assume you're also running the server with debug output, as "radiusd

    radtest test testing localhost 0 testing123

you don't want to add the Fall-Through attribute to each of your user
entries, you could instead use the following modified DEFAULT section
near the top of the users file, before all the authorized user
entries.  I've also tested this configuration.  (Note the comma.)

        Session-Timeout = <timeout>,
        Fall-Through = Yes

>also i have configured the mysql database for authentication and
accounting. so at that time i am getting error "no User-password or
>CHAP-password" in request.

you using both the users file and MySQL for authentication, or are you
testing each setup separately?  I'd recommend getting FreeRADIUS
working with the users file alone before setting up database-based

Will D. Spann

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