Hegedus Gabor a écrit :

Can you help me,

I don't know how can i send back the client ip address to the openvpn client.
The cisco vpn 3000 works correctly with cvpn3000 directory.

Are there any directory for openvpn?
or which return attrib name I can use?
This is a little off-topic for this list as this is related to your NAS (which is openvpn).

Basically I do this by returning the standard Framed-IP-Address attribute to the openvpn server.

This implies that your openvpn server is able to understand and process this attribute: I use the openvpn radius plugin for this (http://www.nongnu.org/radiusplugin/) as the simple pam_radius option for openvpn doesn't handle Framed-IP-Addtributes.

For more information, I think the openvpn mailing list will be better suited.

List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See http://www.freeradius.org/list/users.html

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