> Hi
> I'm putting the following code under /etc/freeradius/site-available/default, 
> authorize section just after preproccess
>  if (User-Name =~ "^ABC\/") {
>                 update control {
>                 Realm == "%another_realm"}
>         }
> But i'm getting such error:
> Expected regular expression at: "^ABC\/")
> /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default[62]: Errors parsing authorize section.
>  }
> Need some guidance, this is the first time using unlang.

read the main page for unlang and the online documents - snippets
of logic code are not to be blindly used verbatim when supplied on
this list  - however, this is a quick fix so:

  if ("%{User-Name}" =~ /"^ABC\/"/ ) {
                 update control {
                 Realm := 'another_realm'

however, I'd personally prefer (why? still not sure)

if ("%{User-Name}" =~ /"^ABC\/"/ ) {
                 update request {
                 Realm := 'another_realm'

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