I'm a relatively new freeradius user so I am not really an expert
with it.

I have two users in the racheck table:
"admin" and "d6 40 1a 98". Both with passwords "admin198".

Doing this:
*radtest admin admin198 localhost 0 testing123*
..returns an Access-Accept packet.

But doing this:
*radtest "d6 40 1a 87" admin198 localhost 0 testing123*
..returns an Access-Reject packet.

I wonder why the user with spaces in the username is being rejected.

I've read somewhere that I need to specify "nospace_user". Can I edit that
in the radiusd.conf? What should the value be: before, after or no?

Our installed version is 2.1.0+dfsg-0ubuntu2, running on Ubuntu 8.10.
The backend database we used is MySql.

Thanks in advance.

Joeven Rex L. Dizon
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