Compare attrs entries with users file entries. Then read what do
operators := and += do.

I've read man unlang and I correct my configuration, and I finally succeed to do what I want but not as I thought.

I just notice the following :
In users file you can do

Attribute_A = foo
Attribute_A += bar

But I haven't found a way to do it in attrs file (syntax is ok, but the reply won't include both same attribute).

I've tried
Attribute_A = foo
Attribute_A += bar

Attribute_A: = foo
Attribute_A += bar

without success.

Finally I've used unlang in post-auth module to add the wanted attributes like that

post-auth {
       update reply {
               WiMAX-QoS-Id += 2
               WiMAX-Schedule-Type += 2
               WiMAX-Traffic-Priority += 0
               WiMAX-Maximum-Sustained-Traffic-Rate += 1024000
               WiMAX-Media-Flow-Type += 2
#       sql
#       sql_log
       Post-Auth-Type REJECT {

Any way to make things work is ok, just wanted to know if that one is "dirty" ?

Thanx again for your advise.

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