I'd like to package up the current release but I can't because the current tar files have version problems. What is currently on the download link is 2.1.4 but builds as 2.1.5. There have been two different versions of the 2.1.4 tar file. This means we can never release a 2.1.4 RPM because it's versioning is ambiguous. IMHO the 2.1.4 release should be considered defunct. There is a 2.1.5 trial version on the build server that I've lightly tested, perhaps others should as well. Can we move the next release forward to an official release so we can get a release out to supercede the current version, which to my thinking is 2.1.3 (because 2.1.4 is not identifiable).

P.S.: We also need to be careful, if what becomes 2.1.5 is not identical to what's in the 2.1.4 tar file we should go to 2.1.6 because we won't be able to disambiguate between a 2.1.5 built from a 2.1.4 tar file and the actual 2.1.5 built from a 2.1.5 tar file. This means the next release should probably be 2.1.6 with 2.14 and 2.1.5 marked as suspect in the changelog.

John Dennis <jden...@redhat.com>

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