anoop c wrote:
> Hi
>     Thanks for the response. I have installed Python-3.1a1 in redhat linux
> 9. Which version I should install for FREERADIUS or which file I should look
> for?

There's your problem. The currently shipping major version of Python is
2. The next major version of Python is 3 and it's in beta. Python2 and
Python3 are *not* compatible and require source code changes. It's going
to take a while before the vast body of Python code get's ported from
Python2 to Python3, you're way ahead of the curve if you're expecting
code written for Python2 to work with Python3. The fact you were getting
an error with PyGILState suggested to me you might be trying to work
with Python3 because I vaguely recall that had been removed in Python3.

Now, as to "redhat linux 9", I hope you actually mean Fedora Core 9
(FC-9) because "redhat linux 9" AKA "Shrike" is quite old and hit "end
of life" in April of 2004, over 5 years ago. Whereas FC-9 is only
slightly more than a year old.

I suggest you straighten out your version problems. We aren't even
shipping a 3.0 version of Python and won't for a while, not until
everything gets ported. My recommendation is to be running FC-10 (but
FC-9 is O.K. too) and use yum to install prebuilt packages that are
known to work.

The current version of FreeRADIUS is 2.1.3 (2.1.4 is not an official
version because of release problems). Both FC-9 and FC-10 have the
current 2.1.3 versions available for easy installation via yum.

The next release of FreeRADIUS will be 2.1.6 and if all goes well should
be available quite soon (depending on Alan's schedule but I expect
measured in days, not months). I can pretty much guarantee when 2.1.6
does officially release FC-11 (now in beta), FC-10, and FC-9 will have
2.1.6 updates within a few days.

John Dennis <>

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