> I have an issue where i'm trying to use realms to determine what LDAP
> server to authenticate a user against. What seems to happen is that the
> realm in my users file is never matched and hence the authentication
> fails. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> authorize {
>        chap
>        mschap
>        eap
>        files
> ### Added
>        Autz-Type test.com {
>         test.com
>        }
>        Autz-Type ldap-default {
>         ldap-default
>        }
> ### //
> }

You removed suffix. If you added things to default configuration - it
would of worked. Butchering the configuration like this is an easy way to
get in trouble.

Start with the default configuration; add things you need to add; when it
works, remove things you think you don't need one by one cheking that
everything still works - if you remove something vital you will know
straight away.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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