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Alan DeKok wrote:
>   My $0.02 is that the NAS is broken (big surprise).  It's likely
> doing DHCP snooping to determine session IP address.

Interesting. I suppose this would be the least of several evils, if they can't 
be guaranteed to be in the same Ethernet broadcast domain as the supplicant 
stations. Is there a better way?

>   Remember: The NAS sends accounting packets whenever it wants.  The
> contents of the accounting packets are determined SOLELY by the NAS.

I hadn't consciously recognized it was that arbitrary; makes sense, though.

>   The clients MAY be requesting those IPs.  e.g. The user takes a
> laptop home, it gets a private IP.  When he shows back up at work, the OS
> may try to first renew that IP... and when it gets no response, ask for a
> different IP.

Yeah, that was one of my early theories, when I started noticing this (and 
before realizing the preponderance of *ahem* "unofficial" networks).

>   So the big question is: what NAS is causing the problem?

Cisco LWAPP controllers.

>   The detail module doesn't care about the contents of the packet. 
> The SQL module does.  If it doesn't like the contents, it won't log it.

Important safety tip: thanks, Egon. ;-)

>   Maybe suppress multiple accounting starts in the same second?

This sounds promising: How would you recommend doing it? I'm still new to the 
manipulation of RADIUS conversations, so hints are most welcome.

>   Tell the rogue department to buy an AP that works.

Well, they're using a client bridge (and must be NATting), so no rogue AP...at 
least not in this particular case. Although there are plenty of those, too. 

Thanks, Alan!


- -sth

sam hooker|s...@noiseplant.com|http://www.noiseplant.com

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