Martin Lorentz wrote:
> While playing around with the experimental DHCP code in the latest
> freeradius releases, I came across a problem where the DHCP packet is
> not recognized, when the Message-Type is not the first among the list of
> options. Currently, the code uses a static offset to look for the
> message type in the packet. A patch is enclosed to fix the problem by
> iterating through the available options, but will most likely need
> fixing by someone who knows how to code :-) It applies to 2.0.6 and
> works in the lab, though.

  I've added a similar patch to git head.

> Also, I'm interested to hear about the plans for DHCP in freeradius.
> Personally, I'm evaluating a solution to assign static IPs based on the
> Agent-Circuit-Id without being tied to a specific MAC - something ISC
> dhcpd will not do by design.

  I'm working on changes to the sqlippool module that will integrate it
with DHCP.  Once that's done, assigning IP by circuit ID is as simple as
editing the schema && queries.

  Alan DeKok.
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