Charles Gregory wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Jun 2009, Alan DeKok wrote:
>>  The CentOS people answer questions about CentOS on the CentOS mailing
>> list.  That is the limit of their support.
>>  Similarly, the FreeRADIUS people answer questions about FreeRADIUS on
>> the freeradius-users list.
> What do you mean by "people"?

  The people on this list.  Whoever they are.

> What *I* mean is not just the developers
> and volunteers, whose time is often quite precious, but the many USERS
> who have the package installed on many different systems. THAT is the
> strength of open source.

  Which is what I said, too.  See my other messages.

> All of *us* banding together. I don't just come
> to these groups asking questions. I answer them. You better believe that
> if I 'work it out for myself' I will be coming back to this list with a
> howto and examples for any other 1.x user who runs into the same
> situation that I have.

  Sure.  We'll wait.

  Alan DeKok.
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