On Mon, 15 Jun 2009, a.l.m.bu...@lboro.ac.uk wrote:
it would be much beter if there was a full delineation between
1.x and 2.x docs - the web is full of older resources that dont
say what version their tweaks and info is good for.

(nod) I don't know enough about the differences between 1.x and 2.x
to say whether it would be better to have two complete document trees, like the apache server, or annotated with "applies to versions x-y" the way the postfix docs do it. I get the feeling that for the most part features have been *added* to FreeRADIUS, and very little removed. But is that actually the case?

if i see one more config with Auth-Type = EAP  I'll scream ;-)

Had to look that one up. First hit on google explained it all.... LOL

- Charles

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