Hello guys,

I've got a problem with the accounting of freeradius. The counter and 
sqlcounter are
made for scenarios where people'll get a number of hours and can take them where
ever they want to...

I would like to setup a scenario where people can login for 1/2/3/4/... days.
Let's say somebody is allowed to login for one day...then he shouldn't be able 
login half a day today and half a day tomorrow.
I would like to make "one day" absolute - to end at the end of day1.

Into "radcheck" I would like to write something like
Current-Time <= a value you set while creating the "ticket".
Let's suppose everything to be in Unix Time format...

I tried to write in the radius config in the modules part:

        sqlcounter maxlifetimecouter {
                counter-name = Max-End-Lifetime-Counter
                check-name = Current-Time
                sqlmod-inst = sql
                key = User-Name
                reset = never
                query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP();"

But it didn't work out. To have got a cron job
that will delete expired accounts (like [1]) isn't
an option either...

Can you please help me? :-(


Kind Regards,

Sebastian Wieseler
- IT -
undbitte entertainment GmbH, Medienproduktion                             
Von-Hünefeld-Str. 81, 50829 Köln

Phone:    +49 221 801307-0
Fax:      +49 221 801307-18

Internet: http://www.undbitte.tv
E-Mail:   s.wiese...@undbitte.tv

undbitte entertainment GmbH, Geschäftsführung: Anke Tesdorpf                
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Köln, Handelsregister: HRB 34500, Amtsgericht Köln   


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