Steven Carr wrote:
>From a newbie point of view the configuration for FreeRADIUS is huge,
> and for the most part yes you do leave it alone - so why is this config
> visible? remove it/hide it/embed it.

  Hide it where?

  And it can't be embedded anywhere, because the whole point of a
flexible server is to have it configurable.  That makes embedding pretty
much impossible.

> Would it not be worth then looking at how the server is configured on a
> whole and moving items that shouldn't be reconfigured into separate
> config files, or provide a form of configuration that has a basic "out
> of the source" config, but then you create your own config file which is
> loaded on top of the base config and if you want to change options you
> then override the section you want to change.

  Sort of like how the FAQ says "add an entry to the users file, and it
will work".

  You don't need to edit or even *look* at the majority of the
configuration files.

> You've been around long enough to realise people don't read, they just
> want to get on and do, give them 101 config files with lots of options
> and they are going to "play", you're probably just as guilty of this
> yourself when confronted with new software.

  Well... I tend to read documentation, too.  If the documentation says
"here's how to make it work", I generally follow that.

  Alan DeKok.
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