On Wed, Aug 05, 2009 at 09:44:55AM -0500, Paul Blalock wrote:
> Is it possible to have a simplistic username and password setup in
> For example.
> user, pass
> user1, pass1
> Or is it possible to have the users file point to a file that does this?
> If not, is it possible to have this type of format by using mysql?

I think you are looking for modules/passwd. modules/smbpasswd is an example
of how you would use it.

--Scott Lambert KC5MLE Unix SysAdmin

How do I tell radius to use smbpasswd instead of the users file? Also, is
smbpasswd dynamic in that it updates real time when adding or deleting
This is a big concern for me, since I can add and delete multiple people
throughout the day.
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