Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
> Ok, fair enough.  But, I've set up freeradius to not allow more than one
> session.  How is a new row being added to radacct when the first one for
> the same user still has "acctstoptime" as NULL?  I thought the sql
> queries were designed to stop that when using simultaneous checks, which
> I have set to 1.

  Yes... that's *supposed* to happen, but there may be reasons for it
not actually happening.

  e.g. race conditions, where the same user logs in twice, 1/10s apart.
 or maybe it's not the "same" username...

> I still don't understand how two live records for the same user can
> exist in radacct.  The first live row should result in an access reject
> being generated by freeradius.  I think something is wrong with my sql
> setup.  I just don't know what it could be after pouring over
> everything.  What could I be missing?

  Go over the records again.  Are they for the *same* user?

  Alan DeKok.
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