On Tue, Sep 01, 2009 at 09:49:20PM -0300, Carlos Eduardo Tavares Terra wrote:
> +----+-----------+--------------+-----------+
> | id | groupname | nasipaddress | nasportid |
> +----+-----------+--------------+-----------+
> |  5 | wireless  |  | NULL      |
> |  4 | adsl      |  | NULL      |
> +----+-----------+--------------+-----------+

You described the huntgroups for Your hardware.

> +----------+-----------+----------+----+
> | username | groupname | priority | id |
> +----------+-----------+----------+----+
> | jack     | wireless  |        1 |  1 |
> +----------+-----------+----------+----+

User jack had got the 'wireless' membership. 

> +----+----------+--------------------+----+----------+
> | id | username | attribute          | op | value    |
> +----+----------+--------------------+----+----------+
> |  5 | jack     | Huntgroup-Name     | == | wireless |
> |  4 | jack     | Cleartext-Password | := | foo      |
> +----+----------+--------------------+----+----------+
You wrote rules for authorization/athentication of jack: Jack grants access 
from hardware of 'wireless' huntgroup with 'foo' password.

> mysql> select * from radgroupcheck;
> +----+-----------+----------------+----+----------+
> | id | groupname | attribute      | op | value    |
> +----+-----------+----------------+----+----------+
> |  8 | wireless  | Huntgroup-Name | == | wireless |
> +----+-----------+----------------+----+----------+

But there is You wrote that You want to authorize the 'wireless' memebership 
for jack.
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