Hi All,

So I'm on Ubuntu Hardy Heron, currently running FreeRADIUS 2.1.6, and have
just downloaded 2.1.7

./configure ; make ; make install

No complaints other than the expected "config files are more recent, you'll
need to fix that yourself, we won't touch it".

Running the new radiusd produces an error:

# radiusd -X
radiusd: error while loading shared libraries: libfreeradius-radius-2.1.7.so:
cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

# locate libfreeradius-radius-2.1.7.so

mm ok, so it's there (NB right beside the -2.1.6 libraries).

And they both have the same permissions.

Also, if I then go to my 2.1.6 source dir, and re-run make install, I am
back to a working 2.1.6 installation.

What am I missing?

Phil P
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