
> 2- In example.pl a small sintaxe to UPPER case the Calling-Station-Id like 
> this,
> $RAD_REQUEST{'Calling-Station-Id'} =
> uc($RAD_REQUEST{'Calling-Station-Id'}); in the sub authorize and sub
> preacct.
> 3- I commented the line 30 of example.pl, i.e., #use Data::Dumper; no
> more problems with my perl installation. Here I doubt of the
> effects...

good move - if you dont need it.  Data::Dumper module explained here:


if you dont do any of that stuff, then you dont need to call the function

PS I'd rename 'example.pl' to be something a little more obvious - like 
'MAC-format.pl'  :-)

> All of my AP's working....

well done! :-)

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