On 09/28/2009 12:32 AM, José Johnny RANDRIAMAMPIONONA wrote:
Dear all,
I posted this problem a week ago after searching in posted and solved
emails like here
I have already asked but the answers were not effective... Anyway, I d
like to express my gratitude to those who have tried to read and respond
to my problems ! So I m asking myself if : Using LDAP with freeradius is
it something new or something?
My problem is about the ldap library for freeradius (libldap which is
needed by rlm_ldap) ... What should I do to install  and configure it
'cause it's not in the freeradius-server package(I rebuilt it 5 times
and I paid attention to the output?
If  I ll receive the same answers I received before then maybe the
problem is in my operating system(CentOsV5.3)

Thanks to all ...
Best regards ...

NB: I am fed up of this buuuuuuuuuuuuug! Neeed help!

This is *not a bug*. This is a lack of your understanding how open source tools work. In your original post you suggested the configure script should go out and install any missing libraries. This indicates you have a lack of understanding of how the tools work. This is the most likely reason people didn't respond to your first query. It's your responsibility to invest the time to learn this material. The FreeRADIUS list is not the place to learn how GNU autotools works, how packages are distributed, what build dependencies are, how they are resolved, etc. There are plenty of places on the web to learn this material. The FreeRADIUS list exits to help users configure and deploy FreeRADIUS, it presumes you come to the table with a set of prerequisite knowledge.

Since you are using CentOS the information contained on this wiki would have been of great help to you, did you read it?


It won't have answered all the information you need, but it would have helped you get started in the right direction. If you had read it you might also have learned you didn't need to go through the agony of trying to build FreeRADIUS yourself, you could have just installed the pre-built packages we've already provided. You would have also learned how using yum as the installer will guarantee prerequisite dependencies are resolved thus relieving you of yet another stumbling block.

John Dennis <jden...@redhat.com>

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