>       Hi,
>       I found the solution (anyway it worked with mine):
>       -try to find what version of openldap is in your system(the default 
> one) by using the basic command.
>       -try to find what packages provides the "unfounded" shared file. On 
> cenTos u can do it with yum whatprovides blablafile.
>       -if the result is already installed u have to reinstall it, on CentOS u 
> can do that with yum reinstall blablafile.
>       It worked for me ...
>       Thx to the team!
>       Best regards

Thanks, glad it worked for you.

Didn't for me unfortunately. I've built another virtual Solaris box and it's 
all working now. I'll have another look at the linux box if I ever get time.

Thanks to all who helped.


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