Thank u guys!

2009/10/9 Ivan Kalik <>

> > I am wondering if I have to write some scripts to save
> > the user id, his connection duration ect postgres database.
> No. Just configure postgre in sql.conf and uncoment sql entries in
> radiusd.conf and accounting section of default virtual server. Schema for
> the database is provided.
> > I want to
> > implement the following situation: I don't care what my ldap_server ll
> > return when a user sends a access request packet, but I want to save the
> > name, passwd,
> That goes into radacct by default.
> > the connection duration(so at this time I initialize the
> > connection time which will be incremented until the disconnection time ).
> For that you will need to enable accounting updates on your NAS. If your
> NAS supports Acct-Interim-Interval you can send it in the Access-Accept.
> Ivan Kalik
> Kalik Informatika ISP
> -
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