Leighton Man wrote:
> I have, in the ldap module configuration:
>  chase_referrals = yes
>         rebind = yes

  That's good...

> I'm running version 2.1.6 on Solaris doing lookups against Active Directory.
> I get, in the debug:
> rlm_ldap: Bind was successful
> rlm_ldap: performing search in dc=ad, dc=hud, dc=ac, dc=uk, with filter 
> (sAMAccountName=mytestusername)
> rlm_ldap: ldap_search() failed: Operations error
> rlm_ldap::ldap_groupcmp: search failed

  That's bad.

> Has anyone got latest information on what causes this or how to fix it. I 
> have a workaround but it's not ideal.
> I assume trying to get more helpful information out of Microsoft AD is pretty 
> futile but has anyone any clues as to what "operations error" realy means? 
> The workaround is to specify a container in the search but as the number of 
> possible containers for a search increases things rapidly begin to get out of 
> hand .....

  Microsoft says "it means error in operation".  Nice.

  How many AD servers do you have?  Is the FreeRADIUS server (i.e. admin
account) allowed to do the queries?[

  Alan DeKok.
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